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9 Education News Sites to Follow for Back-to-School Updates

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Education is top of mind as many countries around the world head into a new school year fueled by coronavirus-driven discussions of safety and how to grapple with the decision of online vs. in-person learning.

Recommendations from thought leaders vary, taking into account challenging considerations such as consistent access to technology and internet across all socioeconomic groups; students falling behind with remote learning; the value of social interaction on children’s development; the safety of the teachers, students, and school employees; and whether children can be expected to socially distance, wear a mask, or take other precautions.

At the forefront of these discussions are the websites dedicated to disseminating news on education to the masses, pulling in information from a variety of sources, and often providing guidance to those in the education field and those, like parents, who were drafted into education without much notice.


EdSurge presents trending news on education, from pre-K through higher education, and the business of education. An alphabetical list of dozens of topics, from “21st Century Skills” to “Workforce Training,” also includes “Coronavirus” as a particularly popular topic.

Additionally, EdSurge offers weekly podcasts – not just about coronavirus – covering diversity and equity, student loans, and the role of technology in education.

Stories to engage with: Contact Tracing Efforts at Colleges Raise Questions About Balancing Health and Privacy; and (podcast) Fighting Misinformation in the Age of COVID-19.  

Top Education News Sites - EdSurge

eLearning Inside

eLearning Inside focuses on education through the lens of electronic learning, a prominent topic in today’s world.

Content covers K-12 and higher education and their intersection with educational technology. The site includes articles, a weekly podcast (EdTechnically), interviews, and op-eds.

Stories to engage with: Entering the Remote Workforce: Advice for New Graduates; and (podcast) Researchers Link Working Memory to Online Learning Habits, a Step Forward in Personalized Learning

Top Education News Sites - eLearningInside

Education Week (EdWeek)

A stalwart among the education sites, EdWeek provides coverage on all K-12 education topics, with sister publications dedicated to teacherseducation technology, and the business of education.

Topics covered range from bullying to school vouchers, with special reports and op-eds sprinkled liberally throughout the variety of articles.

Stories to engage with: 5 Ways to Show You Care for Your Black Students; and Don't Rush to 'Diagnose' Learning Loss With a Formal Test. Do This Instead

Top Education News Sites - Education Week

The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle is the self-proclaimed largest newsroom in the U.S. focused on covering colleges and universities. The team of editors puts together a live coronavirus update and a host of articles available online, in addition to a hard copy magazine issued every two weeks.

In addition to the articles, The Chronicle also includes survey results in a special “Data” section, an advice section with opinion content, and a series of virtual events panels of educational experts.

Stories to engage with: Here’s Our List of Colleges’ Reopening Plans; and What Should College-Admissions Reform Look Like? Researchers Share New Ideas

Top Education News Sites - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities

Smart Kids with LD focuses on a niche area of education, writing about and dispensing information on children with learning disabilities.

In addition to a weekly cadence of articles and evergreen content, Smart Kids with LD also offers a newsletter, programs and events, and a weekly video workshop available through its Facebook page.

Stories to engage with: (Video) The College Search for Students with LD/ADHD; and School Reopening: Recommendations for Kids with Disabilities

Top Education News Sites - Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities

CNN Español – Education

With its vast coverage for the Hispanic and Spanish-speaking community, CNN Español keeps the “Educación” section fresh with videos and articles.

While coverage is global, the pandemic-specific articles have focused largely on the United States’ unique challenges in determining how, when, and whether to return to school this fall.

Stories to engage with: Coronavirus hace repensar a padres en enviar a sus hijos a la escuela; and ONU: El mundo enfrenta una «catástrofe generacional» en la educación

eSchool News

eSchool News focuses on educational technology, with sections for news and feature articles, as well as a resource library of third-party sponsored content.

Beyond the articles, eSchool News also provides access to live and on-demand webinars, guides for data management and storage, and a special section dedicated to digital equity.

Stories to engage with: (Webinar) Remote Learning Insights – How Large School Districts are Making it Happen; and Institutionalizing equity through video instruction

Top Education News Sites - eSchool News

Inside Higher Ed

As its name indicates, Inside Higher Ed tackles topics relating to higher education through news articles, podcasts, events, reports, and newsletters.

Coverage ranges from athletics to teaching, budgets, and diversity, and includes a section for job openings and career advice.

Stories to engage with: Moving to Offense: A New Playbook for Confronting Budget Shortfalls; and Decision Time for Athletics

Top Education News Sites - Inside Higher Ed

Education Dive

Education Dive really does dive into the topic of education, with a broad swath of content covering policy, curriculum, education technology, and for-profit education systems.

Catering to a diverse set of interests from kindergarten through higher education, Education Dive offers daily and weekly newsletters, alongside opinion pieces from thought leaders, a library with industry research and insights, and an events section.

Stories to engage with: (Upcoming webinar on Sept. 2) How to Humanize Asynchronous Online Learning; and Report examines the impact of mandatory FAFSA policies.

Top Education News Sites - Education Dive