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The 2025 Cision and PRWeek Comms Report: Get insight into the latest PR and comms industry trends, challenges, and opportunities.
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Media Insights Services

The team and technologies top brands trust for custom media analysis, intelligence, reporting and executive briefings
The world’s most valuable brands partner with the Cision Insights team for media analysis and communications intelligence to uncover the impact of their communications and media strategy and inform smart decisions that drive towards achieving specific metrics and business goals. Our comprehensive media measurement across global media channels is the foundation for our analysis. Using deep industry expertise, our team surfaces critical insights through reporting and executive briefings that enable data-driven decision-making at the speed and scale of global business.

Media Analysis & Reporting

Deep communications intelligence from a dedicated global team.

Our Insight’s team delivers truly custom quantitative and qualitative analysis of media coverage—combining the power of Cision’s most sophisticated AI-driven media measurement and analytics technologies with our experts' deep industry knowledge.

Organizations with complex communications challenges use our global team for precise answers to complicated questions. Whether to deepen the understanding of industry trends, analyze the sentiment of coverage, better understand the engagement with different target audiences around the globe or countless others insights—we provide the media measurement and media analysis needed to optimize your communications and media strategy. Strategic communicators use the intelligence provided to expand their influence across all media and social networks and deliver on the business metrics they need to reach.

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Man giving presentation

Executive Briefings

Customized executive briefings curated by Cision’s industry experts.

Our team works 24/7 to highlight, summarize and explain the news and coverage that matters most to your team—and keeps your senior leadership updated and fully informed on stories impacting their brands, products, competitors and industries. Briefings are provided according to the frequency, schedule and format you need.

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Female executive working through office
Auto dealership


We are trusted by nine of the world’s top-ten car companies to provide media analysis and reporting across the channels and social networks that matter most to them. More than 50 Cision analysts serve a range of transportation companies, including supply chains, autonomous driving tech, and the future of mobility. Targeted knowledge from Cision Insights keeps these companies, and their audiences, moving forward.

IT working on mainframe


How does a brand become a household name? Optimal media strategy. Some of the world's largest and most trusted brand names use Cision Insights to stay ahead of the trends and keep up with the conversations that surround them. Our advanced AI-powered analytics and deep media analysis let cloud computing and consumer tech brands track their visibility across every channel. With Cision Insights, global tech brands that make everything from enterprise software to microchips can better comprehend the metrics so they can work on the next advancements.

Person on calculator


From currency to digital payments and everything in between, the world’s economy rests on the complex conversations of the financial world. How do the leaders of the world’s financial institutions stay informed about an industry that never sleeps? Over a dozen Cision Insights analysts are dedicated to providing executive summaries and updates for banks, markets, and even the U.S. Department of Treasury. Money moves fast, and Cision Insights ensures media from the financial industry sets the pace.

Group of people at restaurant

Food & Beverage

Cision Insights knows the latest trends across this sector. Five of the top-ten food and beverage companies in the United States get media updates from Cision served directly to them. Our team provides deep media analysis and develops in-depth reports for numerous companies that cover nearly every corner of the food and beverage world. From global distribution conglomerates to restaurant chains and niche food producers, our analysts track, advise and dish up the latest trends for retail and CPG brands.

Table being setup for an event

Hospitality and Tourism

The top-decision makers at the world’s largest hotel and hospitality companies know their brand is tantamount to the customer experience. Over 60% of the top hotels, casinos, booking portals and travel agencies use Cision Insights to get the media analysis they need to understand what’s being said about their company, the services they provide and the industry in the moment, while also diving into deep, detailed discoveries. With the right information at the right time, leaders in hospitality can ensure they deliver on customer expectations.


Healthcare & Pharmaceutical

The landscape of the global healthcare industry is an expansive environment that crosses political, economic, financial, ethical, and humanistic boundaries. With so many moving components, Cision Insights is helping healthcare leaders stay in sync with the conversation of the people they serve—across target audiences and stakeholders—so they can continually optimize their media strategy. World pharmaceutical companies, retail outlets, medical device manufacturers, health insurance providers, and even the US Federal Government agencies are served and empowered by Cision Insights executive summaries and media analysis.

Workers inspecting energy plant


The expert industry analysts that power Cision Insights have extensive knowledge at all levels and fronts throughout the energy sector. Two of the world’s largest oil and gas supermajors turn to Cision to understand the impact of their communications and media strategy. And companies worldwide in the energy sector use Cision Insights to better forecast how the future of energy is shown, shared, and advanced.

Government building


Maintaining alignment with the initiatives of many different US Government Federal Departments and Agencies is a tall order—and the team of Cision Insights government experts research, monitor, and analyze coverage across media channels and social media platforms related to each organization’s policies and objectives. Daily curated reports help inform decision-making as well as messaging for specific audiences.

Understanding what is impacting your industry, competitors, and brand across media channels and social networks starts with comprehensive media measurement and analysis from a team of industry experts skilled at surfacing critical insights and providing deep market intelligence. Incorporating these media insights into your communications and media strategy will help you more effectively reach your target audiences, shape your narratives, protect your brand reputation and realize strategic goals.

What our experts are saying

The 5 Best Tips for PR Writing

The 5 Best Tips for PR Writing

PR Statistics: 2025 Comms Report by the Numbers

PR Statistics: 2025 Comms Report by the Numbers

How to Move From a Reactive to Proactive Communication Strategy

How to Move From a Reactive to Proactive Communication Strategy

7 Best Practices for Using Generative AI in PR

7 Best Practices for Using Generative AI in PR

PR Trends 2025: Comms Experts Talk AI, Social Media, and Crisis Management

PR Trends 2025: Comms Experts Talk AI, Social Media, and Crisis Management



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