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How to Become Journalists’ Favorite PR Pro

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We asked 3,000 journalists what they really want from PR

You have a great story to tell, and you want to get it out into the world – but how do you convince journalists to cover it?

We asked 3,000 journalists what they want – and what they don’t want – from PR professionals, and what makes them consider certain stories over others. Besides having a good relationship with journalists, you also need to consider other factors such as timing, relevance, and value.

Our latest tip sheet, How to Become Journalists’ Favorite PR Pro, breaks down what journalists are looking for in a public relations partner.

We’ve outlined the media outreach behaviors journalists appreciate most (as well as the behaviors PR professionals might want to avoid), based on feedback from our 2024 State of the Media report.

Fill out the form to download the tip sheet, How to Become Journalists’ Favorite PR Pro.

What Helps You Win Favor with Journalists?

Getting on journalists’ good sides can make a big difference to the success of your PR campaigns. The more you can show you understand what journalists are looking for, the more likely you are to win over the people who can give your brand the coverage you want. According to our survey of more than 3,000 journalists, most of them agree that:

  • Pitches that are relevant to their audience are key
  • Data can turn a so-so pitch into a standout one
  • Multimedia makes a difference

This tip sheet explores all these points and more. With the insider advice in this tip sheet, you can vastly improve the quality – and outcomes – of your media outreach. Get the intel you need to make journalists’ lives easier, start building trust and credibility with journalists, and start getting better coverage for your campaigns.

Complete the form to get this tip sheet and improve your relationships with journalists.

Can Building Relationships With Journalists Help PR Professionals?

Building strong relationships with journalists is an important skill for any PR professional. It can be crucial in helping get your campaigns coverage and getting the results your brand is looking for, but the world changes quickly – especially with the constant evolution of digital technology and changing attitudes.

As our jobs change, using our time effectively and understanding what makes journalists’ jobs easier can go a long way toward building those relationships. By speaking to journalists, we’ve learned what PR professionals can do to enhance their media relations efforts and improve your earned media coverage as a result.

Fill out the form to get the tip sheet, How to Become Journalists’ Favorite PR Pro.