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How to Win Over Journalists with Excellent Media Outreach

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Create a Media Outreach Strategy With Advice Directly From Journalists

Good media outreach is key to improving your brand’s earned media coverage and increasing its share of voice, but there’s more to it than blasting a press release to a list of journalists.

An effective media outreach strategy needs to consider the unique wants and needs of those journalists.

We surveyed more than 3,100 journalists in 17 markets across the globe to collect actionable insights that will help you focus your energy, build your credibility and, ultimately, improve your media outreach.

Fill out the form to get the tip sheet and learn how to win over journalists with excellent media outreach.

Why Do You Need a Media Outreach Plan?

A media outreach plan is essential to maximize earned media coverage for your brand. Alongside good content and campaign ideas, you should also know what matters to your audience and how they consume content so you can tailor your efforts to them. You can then streamline your strategy and efforts by combining this knowledge with what journalists and media outlets want from PR professionals.

This tip sheet includes advice such as what kind of content journalists want from you and what stops a journalist engaging with your pitch. Use this tip sheet to calibrate your approach to communicating with journalists – and put the “relation” aspect of public relations at the center of your media outreach plan.

Complete the form to get everything you need for your media outreach strategy.

How Can You Adapt to Changes With Media Outreach?

Media outreach is a crucial part of any PR strategy, and you must use the most effective tactics and approaches to get the results you want. Some tactics that were effective last year may not deliver the same results today. Being able to hear directly from journalists about what they’re looking for from PR professionals will help your media outreach plan remain effective by tailoring your approach to what media outlets are looking for.

Using data from journalists and media outlets, our tip sheet will help get your media outreach strategy in the best place to achieve your goals by capitalizing on the changes journalists want to see.

Find out what you need to improve your media outreach plan by completing the form.