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The 2025 Cision and PRWeek Comms Report: Get insight into the latest PR and comms industry trends, challenges, and opportunities.

We sat down with Kevin Huhn, media consultant at Be Your Best Today to discuss why his company chose Cision, how he uses it to further his communications strategy, quick tips and more!

1. What were you doing before using Cision to support your communications PR strategy?

The work I have done over the years has stemmed from trial and error. So I would try things out and if it worked - I repeated it to see if it was something I could share with others.

2. Why did you decide to purchase Cision?

The reach and credibility were the 2 main reasons. CISION has built a quality reputation and is trustworthy for media.

3. How are you using our product to support your PR and communications projects?

We use the distribution as a tool to get a message out for our clients. Submission of press releases.

4. What benefits have you seen from using Cision?

I like to look at media in 3 ways... pre - during and post event (situation). One of the strongest impacts is the post. Life beyond the day the event takes place is valuable for people. They say once something is on the internet it is out there for life. But the power comes from where it is left its mark. CISION is a credible source to have info.

5. Tell us about a recent and successful PR/comms campaign. What results did you achieve? What results stood out most for you?

We were able to get exposure for our client in media that we had not been able to before.

6. How did Cision help you achieve this success you mentioned in Question 5?

The success stemmed from the size of reach and quality of connections CISION brings to the table.

7. What is your favorite Cision feature?

Don't really have a favorite - it is all so good and powerful!

8. Does Cision make your workday easier? Tell us how!

Yes - by helping remove one less thing for me to think about. It is resourceful and provides great insight. I learned a long time ago - that it is not knowing something BUT knowing where to find something that is important. CISION is that place to get answers!

9.Given your success, what advice would you share with another PR/comms professional?

Have the right tools around you. Partner up with resources that make your life/job easier. And make sure it is a credible source.

About Kevin Huhn

Kevin Huhn is the Founder of Be Your Best Today and through its mission wants to help business owners reinvent their brand with proven systems, programs and products that engage, empower and enlighten in order to impact their rate of success.