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The Complete Guide to Effective Media Monitoring for PR

The Complete Guide to Effective Media Monitoring for PR

Understand and Demonstrate the Value of your Comms Strategy

Media monitoring has always been critical for PR and comms teams, but never has it been more essential – or more complex.

The digitalization of today’s media means there is more to monitor, more to analyze, and more to report to your C-suite. With information spreading rapidly and the risk of public perception shifting in the blink of an eye, there’s also the added pressure of keeping your brand’s reputation afloat.

So how can you keep the competitive edge as well as handle media monitoring?

We answer this question in The Complete Guide to Effective Media Monitoring. Dive into everything you need to know about successfully integrating media monitoring into your strategy and the value it can provide when done effectively.  

This guide is your starting point for discovering:

  • The different types of media monitoring – and how to apply each of them
  • The benefits of (and business case for) media monitoring
  • The tools and techniques you need for effective media monitoring
  • Tips for building a media monitoring strategy

Media monitoring can be easier to manage when you have an effective strategy in place. Get this guide to learn the whys and hows of media monitoring so you can see the full impact of your work.

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