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From AI to Z: A Starter Guide to Using Generative AI in PR & Comms

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has been dominating the headlines in 2023, thanks to the emergence of generative tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney and DALLE-2.

In the PR and communications industry, a world deeply rooted in the power of words, imagery and creativity, we’re already witnessing the profound impact of AI. There’s no doubt that this technology offers a plethora of exciting possibilities and opportunities for the future. However, this transformation is not without its own set of challenges. And given the abundance of AI-related information and conversations, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

From AI to Z: A Starter Guide to Using Generative AI in PR & Comms is designed to help PR and comms teams understand the technology and embrace the potential. Within the guide, you’ll also find the information you need to:

  • Understand how generative AI can enhance your team’s workflow and creative output
  • Understand, anticipate and navigate the challenges of generative AI
  • Ensure ethical, responsible usage of generative AI tools

Download our free guide to using generative AI in PR and communications, and start reaping the benefits of generative AI today.