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PR and SEO: A Beginner's Guide

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Amplify your PR strategy with SEO

For all the responsibilities that fall on public relations teams – media outreach, crisis comms, reputation management – search engine optimization (SEO) often isn’t on the list. And that’s a missed opportunity: SEO is actually crucial to creating awareness for your brand and amplifying your messaging. With the high-quality content you create and the publications you target, you can significantly move the needle for SEO and drive more organic traffic to your brand’s website.

But like many in the industry, you may not have given much thought to SEO in the past or perhaps the topic feels a bit too complicated or overwhelming. That’s why we created PR & SEO: A Beginner’s Guide.

Whether you’re new to PR, unfamiliar with SEO principles and best practices, or both, this tip sheet outlines five key ways to get started with SEO and bring more visibility to your PR content. 

Fill out the form to download your tip sheet, PR & SEO: A Beginner’s Guide.